Today was thee FINAl day to present our history of communication technology Power Points. There was only 2 groups left to present (the history of video games, and of motion pictures). The presentations were quite well done overall, although I wish that some of the groups would speak louder during their presentations. Tomorrow, will be starting on our next project: a self-portrait photoshop assignment. I am pretty excited for this project because we will be able to practice our photo editing skills.


Today was the second last day for presenting out history of Communication Technology Power Points. My friend andf I were finally able to present our slides on the history of photography. :) The presentation generally went quite well. We did not take as much time stalling as the other groups ( I hope). One mistake we made during the presentation was when I accidentally said my friends line in the script, and we ended up having to alternate lines. I also hoped that the video part of the presentation went more smoothy, as we were not able to embed the video into the Power Point. Hopefully, we got a good mark. :)

Day 12!!!

Today in Communication technology was spent (yet again) on presenting out history of communication technology Power Points. My friend and I were actually supposed to go today (we were scheduled to go third), but since many of the presentations dragged on for a very long time, we were only able to get through 2 presentations. I found it really annoying how so many groups had so many technical difficulties. About 50% of the time was spent trying to access videos or accessing USBs.

Day 999999999

Monday in Communication Technology class was the second last day to work on our history of communication technology projects. (It was actually supposed to be the last, but Mr. Tammik said he was going to be absent the day after). Today was spent on fixing up the layout of our Power Point, as well as adding pictures. My friend and I had found four good videos with explaniations about photography technologies. We're hoping to embed them into out Power Point that Mr. Tammik weill show us to use. This may be rather difficult, as my friend attempted to embed them herself, but had numeroud problems with the uploading. We are not done fixing up the Power Point yet, but we will do so tomorrow.


Today's working period for our History of Communication technology projects was not as productive as yesterday's. My friend and I wasted a lot of time changing around the layout of the project, as well as trying to find information on how some photography technologies worked. This is not a major issue, as we still have plenty of time to get everything done. Our teavher has also given us an extra day of in-class time to work on out projects. This means that Monday will be spent on fixing up the Power Point, and writing out the script, and Tuesday will be spent rehearsing.


Our third working period for our history of communication technology project took place today. My friend and I are finished the research, and have started to retrieve pictures and videos on the history of photography off the Internet. We have also put our points onto Power Point. When we first started using the Mac version of Power Point, I found the tool to be rather troublesome, as many of the prompts and buttons I used on a PC were not in their normal place on a Mac. However, as we continued working, I got more used to the lay-out of the Mac, and started to work more efficiently (although still less efficiently compared to working on a PC for me). Tomorrow's class will be spent working on the layout of the Power Point, and writing out the script.

Day Six

The 5th period communication technology class spent most of today working on our history of communication technology projects. My friend and I are mostly done our research points, which is right on schedule, and are starting to research socioeconomic conditions in various time periods, as well as retrieving videos and pictures off the Internet. Tomorrow we will finish off the research, and will start putting everything on Power Point by Thursday. We plan to spend Friday designing the presentation, and making a script to go with it. If things go as planned, we will hopefully start rehearsing out presentation on Monday, and finally, presenting some time around Tuesday.

Day Cinq

The majority of today's communication technology class was taken up by the second working period for our history of communication technology Power Points. As planned, my friend and I spent the working period gathering points for our slides. By the time half the class was over, we had finished most of our major events, and had started on narrowing down our research into the more important developments. I was responsible for the second half of the development (1920s-now), and my friend was responsible for the first half (1800's-1919). I noticed that as I did my research, that most of the developments in my era was of the digital camera. Tomorrow we will finish our development research, and start on the socioeconomic research.

Day IV

Today's communication technology class was a working period for our history of technology projects. My friend and I were able to plan out a schedule based on the tasks we had to complete for the assignment. We plan to finish our research points on Wednesday, which will hopefully give us plenty of time to find all the neccessary information. So far, we are on track and are working well. I am a little worried about explaining concepts on how various technologies work, but hopefully the research will aid in that. Mr. Tammik also mentioned that the use of videos as aids in explaining concepts was allowed. Tommorrow is another working period. Hopefully it will be as productive as today's.


The majority of today's communication tech class was spent learning about the Power Point project we would be completing on the history of communication technology. The project involved researching the developments throughout history of certain assigned technologies, and eventually presenting the information via Power Point. The class was split into groups of two for the project. I was paired with my friend, and we were assigned to present on the history of photography. After learning some do's and dont's about Power Point presentations, we headed off to start on our research. I hope that this project will go along smoothly!

Day 2

The second day in communication technology class was spent learning about the basics of communication. We learnt that communication involves a sender (who encodes the message), the message itself, and the reciever (who decodes the message). The various types of communication include speech, hand gestures, email...etc. I found it interesting to learn that things like an "o.k." hand gesture can be found offensive in foreign countries. I also found it interesting when Mr. Tammik showed us an online article, which talked about how messenger pigeons were faster than the internet in Africa. The last topic covered in class was how to make an effective power point presentation. We read about how the majority of power points were bad due to mistakes with the visual presentation. This knowledge will hopefully help us in our up-coming group projects on the history of communication.

Day One!

The first day of communication technology was quite the exciting one. Once the class entered the back of the communication technology class, I was surprised to see a studio filled with a blue computer graphics screen, mounted lighting, and numerous sound recording studios. The class was introduced to the tasks that we would be completing throughout the semester. I am personally very excited to start learning about digital photography, computer graphics, and movie editing. I am also looking forward to working with the Mac computers, as I have not had many opportunities to work with them before. The first day has left a good impression on me, and I hope to have a fulfilling semester with communication technology.